Planting, Growing, and Caring For Jasmine Flowers
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I have a inside jasmine tree i have had it for years we moved a year ago & it has not done well I have in a south west window with lots of sun the leafs are turning yellow & dropping I have feed it.I'm afraid to trim it.Please help I do not want to lose it!!!
Hi Sue,
Sorry to hear about your jasmine plant. There are a number of reasons why your jasmine has yellow leaves that are dropping. Too much or too little water can be an issue, as can soil that does not drain well. It is best to create a schedule for watering and make sure not to water too often.
Your plant also may lack key nutrients in the soil. You might want to test the pH of your soil to see what your plant needs. A lack of nitrogen can cause yellowing leaves. If you have not done so recently, you could also repot it to give the roots fresh soil. The best time to repot is in the spring.
Exposing your jasmine to too much sun can also cause leaves to yellow. You want it to be in a location that gets partial sun.
As with most plants, jasmine has a certain lifespan and yellowing of leaves can be part of the natural aging process. But don’t be too alarmed because jasmine can lose its leaves in the fall.
Would you know where I could find common jasmine seeds? I am having a difficult time tracking them down.
Go to Etsy. They have everything
I have a couple of 20W LED corn bulbs that I used to use to QC paint jobs, and I bought a 100 LED grow light to make a grow station. I plan to use it to get my cucumbers big enough before transplant to defeat The Evil Powdery Mildew that's plagued me for the last three years running (bought some resistant-seeds this time, too). I picked up a kalanchoe on a whim, and now I find that I'd like to grow some showy and fragrant flowers after planting time hits. Will jasmine do okay under bright lights with cool conditions? It's in a basement. Thanks!
Hi! I was wondering if anyone knew of any good uses for the jasmine flower or any other parts of the plant as I have a large supply of them dried. I have been putting them in my tea, but I have so many that I would like to know if there any better uses. Also, does anyone know of the benefits of eating this plant? I found some stuff on the internet and not a lot of it is proven, but I would trust a testimonial. Best wishes!
I collect them for my daughter. She makes soaps, balms, essential oils, teas, perfume among other things. Having the plant is good for both of us. Hope this helps.
Hi Emily, To chip in here … Note that only jasmine officinale is edible. If you live in the South do not mistake “Carolina Jasmine” for real Jasmine. It is “false Jasmine” aka Gelsemium Sempervirens and considered too poisonous for human consumption.
We like making sachets of dried flowers. Here’s how to make sachets.
The edible flowers of jasmine officinale are intensely fragrant and are traditionally used for scenting tea, as you know. In North America, jasmine is rarely used in foods however, you’ll see it in Thai cuisine and especially in seafood dishes. Jasmine flower is also use to make sweet syrups for desserts. , a popular recipe site.
We would like to put a garden container on a second story porch to let the plants spill over and soften the heft of the porch.
Can jasmine vines climb down instead of up? Any vine, as a matter of fact.
I have a 15 year old jasmine hedge that has become overly thick and woody. It is pruned regularly but over time the stems have become thick and the hedge is several feet thick. It's about 8 feet tall, covering a fence. If we prune back to, say, a foot thick hedge almost all leafs will be eliminated. Will the plant resprout? Our climate is mild enough that the plants grow year-round.